Domain Hosting - IPZ.NET - I.P. Zone
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The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) provide a unique platform for promoting your products and services. It's also an excellent medium for supporting your customers, as well as supporting your internal personnel as they work in the field.

The Internet and the WWW also create a level playing field for competing companies. By selecting the right Domain Hosting Company as a partner, your presence on the net can imply size and stability.

IPZ.NET puts your company on the Internet and provides a World Wide Web presence, E-mail, connectivity, and other related services. All of this and more in a no-hassle turn-key solution. IPZ.NET's Virtual servers provide a completely autonomous appearance, or presence, on the Internet. Some of the features of Virtual hosting provided by IPZ.NET include:

Facilities Management
Your Web pages are stored on one of our virtual servers, which are dedicated to serving WWW pages. You don't need to worry about hardware, software, or anything else - we take care of everything!

Leading Edge Technology
IPZ.NET utilizes the latest technology in servers to provide reliable, high performance service. Currently super fast Pentium IV powered machines are used. Each machine has a minimum of 512 Mb of memory and large RAID mirrored hard drives. Each server is connected to the Internet through switched Ethernet technology to IPZ.NET's core router. IPZ.NET has standardized on the Windows 2000 platform for all Virtual servers. Microsoft's Internet Information Server with the newest Front Page Extensions is used for all virtual hosting activity. IPZ.NET uses nothing but the best!

All servers are monitored and maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by IPZ.NET. They are fully protected by Uninterruptable Power Supplies, and alternate backup power sources. Nightly backups mean you don't have to worry about potential customers not being able to get your information, or loss of data as a result of a disaster.

By physically hosting your Web pages on IPZ.NET's servers, you not only benefit from one of the highest transfer rates available, you also eliminate any security concerns. Remote hosting physically separates your internal network and your sensitive internal information from your public Web site. IPZ.NET also maintains proactive security measures on all systems to keep your data from harm.

High-speed server response, even at peak times
Since our Web server is connected by a high speed backbone to the Internet, you won't experience the poor performance associated with limited bandwidth networks or networks that have exceeded their capacity - this ensures the fastest possible response times for those accessing your pages.

The World Wide Web is the fastest-growing segment of the Internet - don't be left behind!

IPZ.NET clients agree to abide by our policies. ©2015 Xtended Memory Services
IPZ.NET/Xtended Memory Services • 144 Teriwood Court • Fern Park, FL 32730